12 Days of Giving starts December 12, 2018


The Carson Law and Breen Law family is proud to announce an initiative that has been in the works since the two law firms decided to begin sharing office space in April of 2018. December 12 will mark the beginning of our 12 Days of Giving.

Staff members have been asked to select a charity that each of them feels strongly about. From this list, we will donate to one charity each day running from December 12 to December 24. During this time, we will post which charities are selected daily and why they are important to us.

We welcome you to check in with us regularly, hear our stories, take stock in what is important at this time of year, and reflect on your own schedule of giving. Also, accompanying each post will be a verse to a song, sung to the tune of (you guessed it) 12 days of Christmas. On December 25, we will be able to sing this song from start to finish.

From all of us at both Carson and Breen Law, we wish you nothing but joy and good cheer for this giving season.

DAY 1 On the first day of giving, my law form gave to me, a donation to the Cancer Society. (click for info)

On the first day of giving, my law form gave to me, a donation to the Cancer Society. (click for info)

Day 2 On the second day of giving, my law firm gave to me, hope for the horses. (click for info)

Day 2
On the second day of giving, my law firm gave to me, hope for the horses. (click for info)

Day 3 On the third day of giving, my law firm gave to me, support for SickKids. (click for info)

Day 3
On the third day of giving, my law firm gave to me, support for SickKids. (click for info)

Day 4 On the fourth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, wishes for children (click for info)

Day 4
On the fourth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, wishes for children (click for info)

Day 5 On the fifth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, help for Heart & Stroke. (click for info)

Day 5
On the fifth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, help for Heart & Stroke. (click for info)

Day 6 On the sixth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, light for The Way. (click for info)

Day 6
On the sixth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, light for The Way. (click for info)

Day 7 On the seventh day of giving, my law firm gave to me, Alzheimer assistance. (click for info)

Day 7
On the seventh day of giving, my law firm gave to me, Alzheimer assistance. (click for info)

Day 8 On the eighth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, food for the hungry. (click for info)

Day 8
On the eighth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, food for the hungry. (click for info)

Day 9 On the ninth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, places to stay. (click for info)

Day 9
On the ninth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, places to stay. (click for info)

Day 10 On the tenth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, wilderness protection. (click for info)

Day 10
On the tenth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, wilderness protection. (click for info)

Day 11 On the eleventh day of giving, my law firm gave to me, counsel and support (click for info)

Day 11
On the eleventh day of giving, my law firm gave to me, counsel and support (click for info)

Day 12 On the twelfth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, helping a hospice (click for info)

Day 12
On the twelfth day of giving, my law firm gave to me, helping a hospice (click for info)
