Carson Law's Client Spotlight for September 2021 - Ama La Terra



Looking for scented non-toxic soy candles?

Each candle from Ama La Terra is handmade locally sourced using 100% bean soy wax (plant based) as well each of their fragrance oils are vegan & kosher certified.

Founded in Oakville Ontario, Canada, Ama La Terra’s focus is to bring to market a clean burning candle free of toxins such as paraffin and phthalate. Each candle features either a double-ply wooden wick or the popular woven cotton wick. They offer 8oz tin and 8oz - 16oz glass containers for you to choose from. Burn time approximately 50+ hours.

Ama La Terra Special

Get (3) - 8oz 100% Soy Candles a regular retail value of $22 each + shipping.
A total savings to you of up to $20.
These candles make a perfect gift for mom, your boyfriend or girlfriend or significant other.


**Local delivery available to residents in the Burlington, Oakville area