Alzheimer's Society

12 Days of Giving - Day 7

On the seventh day of giving, my law firm gave to me,

Alzheimer assistance.

For our seventh day of giving, we are very happy to be donating to the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Established in 1978, the Alzheimer Society was actually the first organization of its kind in the entire world. With only $100 as an initial deposit in to the group’s bank account, forty-five people attended the inaugural meeting. Today, more than $53 million has been invested in research through society programs, and over 25,000 Canadians participated in the Walk for Alzheimer's fundraising event in 2017. Shannon Hussey, one of our administrative assistants, has identified this charity as the one she supports due to her family being intimately familiar with the effects of Alzheimer's. 1 in 5 Canadians have experienced or or currently responsible for caring for someone who is living with a form of dementia, and 87% of those caregivers wish that more people understood the realties of the responsibilities required to fill that role. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 Canadians admit that they would feel ashamed or embarassed if they were diagnosed with dementia. This stimga surrounding these types of diseases needs to change if there is to be any hope of getting proper help to those suffering.