
12 Days of Giving, 2018 - Day 12

On the twelfth day of giving, my law firm gave to me,

helping a hospice.

For our twelfth and final day of giving, we are proud to be donating to the Ian Anderson House, an in-resident cancer hospice located in Oakville.

We have made it to the end of our twelve days of giving initiative, and we want to thank all of those who have followed along with us to learn about some worthwhile charities as well as why they are important to our staff. Up to this point, we have heard about many great causes working to help save lives or make things better for the future. The Ian Anderson House is a little different, because families who end up there are unfortunately faced with the impending loss of a loved one. The Ian Anderson House has been selected by our Operations & Business Development Manager, Chad Blundy, as in January 2014 Chad and his family suffered a significant event when his father lost his battle with colon cancer. His final days were spent at IAH, and words cannot express the gratitude that Chad’s family has for the facility’s medical staff and volunteers. The compassion, care, respect, and dignity that was provided certainly helped ease what was a difficult and gut-wrenching experience. The fact that IAH provides its services completely free-of-charge to six patients at a time, and grants families full access to the entire house at all hours of the day is a tremendously selfless operation.