Ovarian Cancer Canada

12 Days of Giving- Day 8

Our eighth day of giving has been chosen by our Business Development and Operations Manager, Chad Blundy. Unfortunately, cancer has been something that has impacted a number of Chad’s family members, in various ways. He has lost loved ones much too early as a result of this disease, and there are many important people in his life, both friends and family, who continue to fight. Recently, Chad’s aunt, Judy Kelly, was diagnosed with cancer and will require a full hysterectomy. Chad has selected Ovarian Cancer Canada since it supports the latest version of cancer to directly affect his family. “I am proud in knowing that my aunt will put up a strong fight, and I am also proud to work for a firm that will make a contribution to support her recovery … I encourage anyone and everyone to get to know all of the charities that the Carson Law staff have chosen and consider donating to whichever one they feel strongly about.”

*A donation to Ovarian Cancer Canada has been made in honour of Judy Kelly.*