Contact Information
Office Phone : (905) 336-8940 x 1006
Cell Phone: (416) 529-6129
Quick Facts about James
Law School: University of Western
Called to the Bar: 1978
Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Corporate & Commercial, Media and Entertainment Law
James in three adjectives: Assertive, Determined, Experienced
Nickname(s): JC, Yoda, Jimmy Jam
James is the office "go-to" for:
Intellectual Property
Among his peers, James would be voted most likely to: Be reasonable and pragmatic
Among his family, James would be voted best at: Keeping everyone accountable
Favorite reason for working at this law firm:
The opportunity to work with my son
James' career aspirations at 8 years old:
Train Engineer
James W. Carson
B.Sc, LL.B.
Lawyer and IP Division Leader
Jim is the most senior member of the team and heads up our Carson IP division, which focuses exclusively on intellectual property matters. While Jim has the distinction of being Ryan's father, he also acts as a patriarchal figure to the rest of the Carson Law family by providing guidance, insight, and opinions that only come with 40 years of legal experience.
“Since I have been practicing law for a great number of years, there have been many cherished memories and accomplishments, such as the numerous clients who have successfully exploited their inventions which I helped to protect. However, I am most proud of my three sons and what great people they have turned out to be.”
Jim graduated from Queen's with an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering before attending law school. At the time, he was told that his engineering background was a perfect fit for IP law, and they were right. Jim has since had the opportunity to work with a stable of international companies, start-up businesses, and innovators who use him, not just for his intellectual property knowledge, but because he also takes their overall business objectives into consideration when preparing his advice.
While James often attacks projects head on with a "no-nonsense" approach, the fuel for his fire is a genuine sense of caring for his clients and their success, and about providing good work at fair prices.
Jim's spare time is mostly spent with his wife, golfing, traveling, and babysitting their four beautiful grand kids.