Contact Information
Office Phone: (905) 336-8940 x 1001
Cell Phone: (289) 208-3865
Quick Facts about Ryan
Law School: University of Windsor
Called to the Bar: 2007
Practice Areas: Residential Real Estate, Corporate & Commercial, Wills & Estate Administration
Ryan in three adjectives: Loyal, Generous, Enthusiastic
Nickname(s): Pep, The Big Red Machine, The Big Boss
Ryan is the office "go-to" for:
Everything Legal and Dating Advice
Among his peers, Ryan would be voted most likely to: Pick up the tab
Among his family, Ryan would be voted best at: Debating and Arguing
Favorite Joke: Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover up their butt-quacks!
Ryan's career aspirations at 8 years old:
Police Officer or Pro Hockey Player
J. Ryan J. Carson
B.Kin, LL.B.
Lawyer and Founder
Ryan is the fearless leader of the Carson Law team, establishing the firm in 2013 after working for someone else for 6 years. An undergraduate of Acadia University, Ryan majored in Kinesiology with intentions of going into sports business or becoming a pro sports agent. Fortunately for us, the only athlete he ever represented never made it very far, and Ryan found his true calling working intimately with people, families, and businesses.
“Some of the things I like best about running my own practice is I enjoy the people I get to interact with, relationships I get to build, and working hard to achieve our clients’ goals. We get to work with a lot of people going through exciting life events such as a purchase of a new home, expansion of a business, or transition into retirement. Also, there is a lot of overlap in the areas of law we practice in, which allows us to be a full service firm for our clients.”
One of Ryan's greatest accomplishments is the fact that he has grown from being a one lawyer shop with only a single administrator to where he now oversees the daily operations at two law firms that employs over 20 people combined. However, Ryan is most proud of the beautiful family that he has built, consisting of his wife and two children.
Ryan can be considered the office philosopher as he often talks about finding the perfect work-life balance, which he pursues by filling his time away from the office with golf, hockey, baseball, time with family, and on whatever beach he can find.