Wellington & District Foodbank

12 Days of Giving - Day 8

On the eighth day of giving, my law firm gave to me,

Food for the hungry.

On our eighth day of giving, the Wellington & District Foodbank Storehouse as been hand picked by the head of our Carson IP division, Jim Carson.

There have been plenty of charities on our list so far that have set their sights on the honourable, yet daunting, task of discovering a medical breakthrough that will cure some serious illnesses. Today’s selection may not have such grandiose aspirations as a national organization, but its presence is just as important and impact is just as large to those that it services.

Recently, Jim and his wife Joan acquired a home in Prince Edward County to give them an opportunity to escape the rigours of city life from time to time. They have enjoyed getting to know the ins and outs of the community, connecting with people, and making new friends. One way to build relationships in a new neighbourhood is to get involved in local causes, and that is what Jim is doing by supporting the Wellington & District Foodbank Storehouse.